
13 Dec 2022

Train in Hybrid Agile to Fit Your Team’s Unique Needs

Agile training is typically focused on a single framework without sufficiently considering the uniqu...

08 Dec 2022

Upskill Your People to Meet Emerging Capability Needs

Whether you are migrating legacy technology or implementing automation, Cloud technology or low-code...

01 Dec 2022

Agile Training Using Applied Practical Learning

It’s common to see organization’s Agile training and adoption efforts stall when teams struggle to p...

15 Nov 2022

3 Ways Executives Can Champion Agile

To fully leverage the resources and effort devoted to Agile training, your teams need to have a work...

01 Nov 2022

Train to Sustain™ with Hands-on Learning

There’s a familiar pattern we see in training teams that stalls Agile Transformations. Leadership de...

25 Oct 2022
xScion 8 min read

20 Things I've Learned as xScion Turns 20

Reflecting on xScion’s 20th year in business milestone is one of those things where it feels like we...

11 Oct 2022

Measuring Agile Success: What to Look for and What to Avoid

Your organization has gone Agile, what metrics do you use to gauge how you are doing? How do you eva...

04 Oct 2022

Use Lean-Agile Portfolio Management to Optimize Value Delivery

Many organizations have moved beyond traditional Project Management and embraced an Agile approach. ...

29 Sep 2022

Train to Sustain™: Learn Agile by Being Agile

Agile adoption has spread from its Development Team origins to entire enterprises as more organizati...

20 Sep 2022
2 min read

How Executive Buy-in Can Optimize Your Agile Training

Organizations seeking to improve their ability to innovate rapidly, at low-cost look to the promise ...

14 Sep 2022

Use Product Roadmaps to Optimize Your Agile Transformation

Product Roadmaps provide organization-wide communication that aligns Stakeholders with organizationa...

07 Sep 2022

Identify and Avoid Vanity Metrics to Successfully Achieve Your Objectives

In his classic 2011 book, The Lean Startup, Eric Ries introduced the concept of Vanity metrics, pres...

30 Aug 2022

Point-in-Time Measurements to Understand Value in an Agile Environment

A key challenge we see as organizations try to scale Agile is that there are disconnects between the...

23 Aug 2022

How Large Program IV&V Works in Practice

Large and complex transformations of processes, roles and technology should have a relentless focus ...

16 Aug 2022

Understand Value Across All Levels of Your Agile Enterprise

Traditionally when you delivered a Product on-time and under budget, it was a cause for celebration....

09 Aug 2022

Rapid Engagement IV&V: How it Works in Practice

Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) assessments can play a key role in executing a su...

03 Aug 2022

Ensure Your Transformation is Successful With Rapid Engagement IV&V

Organizations are rapidly transforming to increase their capability to meet customer demands for fas...

27 Jul 2022
3 min read

Leverage Flexible Work for Competitive Advantage

Modern technology developments made it possible for knowledge workers and others to work remotely, b...

21 Jul 2022

Eliminate Shadow IT with TBM

Across organizations today, nearly every business process leverages technology. Low-code and no-code...

12 Jul 2022
Agile Cloud TBM 2 min read

Use TBM to Understand and Optimize Your Tech Spend

As organizations shift from Project to Product and scale Agile, they require new frameworks for fund...
